altered the temperature in the room, the molecules in the air, and the frequency that vibrates through our home. He transformed our space with his voice. What does sound look like? Can you see tone and timbre? All lofty goals for a photo, but his voice made it easy, like picking fruit off a tree.

He was one of the first people I met in my early years in LA. Always intriguing and a genuine person without any sense of self-importance or false airs. It’s probably why he travels effortlessly through many countries and the lives within. He spends a lot of time in Africa, singing, drumming and baking bread in the sand.

We both share a love for swimming, music, and sobriety. In sober years, Joel is 30, and I’m 3. The tools and techniques for quietening the voices in our heads are topics of great interest and practiced one day at a time. All the while chipping away to reveal what’s inside. As an artist, Joel embodies the moment by expressing the multitudes that surround us, from our first and to last breath. “Music is an invisible art,” and that’s why it affects us instantly.

His Daughter, Cyprienne, stopped by as well, and we couldn’t resist. Love is the other invisible force that transforms us instantly. They are a #portraitoffamily, and he is a #portraitofsound a, #portraitofanartist, and #portraitofafriend



